Thursday 6 February 2014

Bake Sale!

The School Council are holding a Bake Sale next Friday, 14th February during Lunchtime to raise money to update and replace some of the weather-beaten benches in the playground. We will be selling cakes for 20p and we will welcome any donations of cakes to our cause! Our Year 6 representatives will be collecting cakes from classrooms on Friday morning and we would appreciate your support! Thank you!  

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a lovely break over Christmas and the New Year!

School Council members, our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 22nd January 2014. I'm looking forward to starting some new projects with you!

Best wishes,
Miss Croash

Sunday 15 December 2013

Christmas Fayre Part 2.

Thank you to all of those who turned out to support us and Chatsworth Primary School! We had lots of fun and laughter on Friday with our games and we hope you did too.

Here are some of the highlights:


Thank you again for your support!

Guess the Teacher!

Some of the teachers got involved with the School Council stall at the Christmas Fayre; can you guess who they are?

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Christmas Fayre!

Make sure you have a look for the School Council's stand at Friday's Christmas Fayre! 
We will have some fun games for you to join in with and we are looking forward to seeing you! 

Anti-Bullying Week

This year, the School Council held a poster competition for anti-bullying week and we were blown away by the quality of the entries! We had some very hard choices to make but here are a selection of the winners below, as well as some of the work that Year 1 have been doing, to show you what we have been talking about in school.

Some of the work from Year 1:


Poster Winners:

Well done to all of our Poster winners! See if you can spot the winning posters as you move around the school!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Our priorities for this year.

We are the school council representatives for this year and we would like to introduce some of our ideas we have came up with for improving the school this current year. If you have any ideas or comments you can post them at the end; We would love to hear them!
Thank you, 
Lucy and the rest of the school council. :D  

We will focus on:
Improving the playground at lunchtime:
·         Re-introduce friendship stop with the help of the Buddies.

·         Improving the school benches.

·         Consult with Mr. Wright about the climbing frame.


We are going to focus on the safety of children and adults entering and leaving our school:

·         Write a letter to the council about zebra crossing and railings.

·         Write a letter to the council about the ice-cream van blocking people’s movement and creating human traffic.

·         Litter picking.


We are going to focus on raising awareness of the situation for children in Syria.

·         We are going to research a charity that helps children in Syria.

·         ‘Shoebox’ project.

·         Fundraising project.